Saturday, February 02, 2008

Author's Query: Can you identify a Speaker or potential Speaker of the House to the left of Nancy Pelosi?

1999–2006 Dennis Hastert (Ill.)
1995–1999 Newt Gingrich (Ga.)
1989–1995 Thomas S. Foley (Wash.)
1987–1989 James C. Wright, Jr. (Tex.)
1977–1987 Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr. (Mass.)
1971–1977 Carl Albert (Okla.)
1963–1971 John W. McCormack (Mass.)
1955–1961 Sam Rayburn (Tex.)
1953–1955 Joseph W. Martin, Jr.
1949–1953 Sam Rayburn (Tex.)

John Boehner Roy Blunt Tom DeLay

Second question: Can you name a President of the Senate, Vice President or President who is or was to the left of Nancy Pelosi?

by Anthony McCarthy